Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Movie Trailer Post Project - part 1

Today we're going be working in groups to replace the dialog from a movie trailer. I have placed a few Quicktime movie files in the Instructor Share folder.

Take a minute to look through these clips and then, as a group, decide which one you want to work on.

Groups will switch off working in the DAS and recording the appropriate dialog.

Some things to remember:

  • Make separate tracks for every different character who is speaking
  • Make a note about what kinds of environments characters are in (indoor? outdoor? OUTER SPACE???) How do you think this will affect the sound of the characters' voices?
  • Always pay attention to the placement of the microphone. Make sure it is adjusted to the appropriate height and is aimed towards the speaker's mouth. The speaker should be about 6-12 inches away from the mic.

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